Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association(GSDI)--全球空间数据基础设施协会



  GSDI was dissolved as a legal entity in October 2018. Since its inception over 20 years ago, GSDI has delivered 15 World Conferences, provided funding of nearly US$300,000 for Small Projects developing Spatial Data Infrastructures in nations around the globe, facilitated extensive knowledge-sharing across a international network of geospatial professionals, and published SDI news appreciated by many thousands of readers globally.

  In early 2018, the members of GSDI determined that its vision and mission had, to a great extent, been adopted by internationally resourced organizations such as the United Nations, the World Bank and the Open Geospatial Consortium, and that these international organizations have the traction and funding needed to take Spatial Data Infrastructure development and deployment to the next level. As a result, after long and careful deliberation, its Board, its Executive and its Members, took the decision to wind up the GSDI Association in 2018.

  GSDI's final contribution to its mission 'to advance geo-information best practices, knowledge sharing and capacity building for the improved sharing and applications of geographic information' was the transfer of its residual funds to the United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management program.